Tuesday, February 7, 2012


As i am getting busy preparing for my graduation papers and as my pc is attempting to kill itself time to time, it was quite difficult to finish this piece. I wanted to work on it more but i don't have enough time so i'm calling it done..

-my 6th alien fanart of Ben10, and my entry for Battle Artist 03 @ DeviantArt.com

-group link: http://battle-artist.deviantart.com/


Thursday, February 2, 2012

still life's elegante

-a bunch of still life realism painting studies i made. Started with the glass the other day and finished with the bubble a while ago. :)

'the world'

'the elegant'

'the breakable'
processes / wips

(click to enlarge)

*reference pictures used have their own respective owners. credits to them

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

the beauty of...

my study for the day focused on female anatomy and value.



(click to zoom)

don't forget to check my other stuffs. :)